Tuesday 19 July 2011

Kowalskiy Singles Club #5

You know the score by now, it's time for me to play matchmaker once again with all the 'singles' out there.  Before we see how our singles got on last time round, lets have a look at the new batch of hopefuls.  If any of them hit the right notes with you, then click on the cover art and get better acquainted.  Happy downloading...

Maydays - Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist by Maydays
"Eternal optimist seeks bi polar pessimist for life balance and weekends spent sky diving and paint drying. Looking for long term but willing to concede it might never happen. Empty glass preferred to avert current spillage crisis." - Darren (Maydays)
Originally released in May, this is a cracking single from Maydays.  So if you're looking for long term commitment and weekends in watching paint dry, this may be the match for you!  Take my word for it though, it's a lot more exciting than they're letting on.  Plus it's FREE!

Foxgang - White Picket Fence
White Picket Fence by Foxgang
"Song seeks a person that understands the fact that we could have been lovers; someone with different Television. You were right there? We were right there too." - Joe (Foxgang)
Another FREEbie this one.  It's part of the second compilation by Krakow-based record label Loose Wires and in true Foxgang fashion, it's fantastic!    

mitchell museum - What They BuiltWhat They Built by mitchell museum
"Spacey Junk-pop WLTM Doe-eyed VGL Record Label Executive with GSOH for LWITP, HH, B/D and long term financial security. We are OTS and would like to experiment with you.  Must have a love of Pink Floyd, home haircuts and board games. Soldering skills a definite plus. ACA.  NUWT" - Kris (mitchel museum)
You may be too late to get this single in the done-to-death mini-keyboard format, but you can still get it in the more obscure emm-pee-three one.  Mark my words, it'll never take off!  Anyway, as always, this is a belter from the guys!  You can hear the B-side, a cover of MIA's Paper Planes over here.

Ed Muirhead - She's Gone
She's Gone by Ed Muirhead
"Harmonious, lovelorn cynic-on-the-rebound seeks simple-minded music-lover to pick three chords and make a song... Enjoys tea and biscuits, sunshine and clouds... GSOH essential." - Ed Muirhead
This one's a FREE track from Tattie Records' debut release, Mr. Muirhead's own album Cage For The Clouds.  We all enjoy some tea, biscuits and sunshine... maybe the clouds is pushing it a bit though.   It's a lovely wee song, and once again it's FREE so give it a go.  Comes with a nice wee handwritten animation too.

PET - What you building?
What you Building? by PET
"Heavy feather pop contortionists seek un-feeble minded ear acrobats. Will not bend over backwards for just anyone. BSOH required" - Matthew (PET)
A brilliant wee single here from Edinburgh's heavy feather pop contortionist trailblazers!  Guaranteed to float your boat, providing you have a BSOH.  It's a name-your-price one so have a listen first then make your mind up. 

New Town Triptych - Climb/Don't Want To Hear It
Climb/Don't Want To Hear It by New Town Triptych
"Confindent, loyal and tenacious lonely heart seeks like-minded music appreciator for long walks on the beach. No challenge too great, no mountain too high, together we'll get there. In it for the long haul this time, no more disappointments. Strings attached ;) " - Stephen (New Town Triptych)
Their debut EP 'Just How You Designed' was awesome, this follow up single is just as good.  Lovely, acoustic, folky pop for all to enjoy.  It can be yours for two measly US dollars!

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