Monday, 25 July 2011


Some artists should need no introduction on this blog, like Matthew Healy there.  But here's one anyway!  He's been on here a fair amount, either with his band Loch Awe, or as a central part of The Coat Hooks.  Well now you can add his solo incarnation Negotiations. to that impressive list.  Take it away Matthew...

Kowalskiy:  Who is Negotiations.?
Matthew:  Negotiations. is just me, Matthew Healy, also of Loch Awe, Andrew Lindsay & The Coathooks and formerly of We, the Plural. I like collaborating though, so most of my releases will have a few friends on them.  LA MORENA is the first of those friends. She's an artist and slam poet from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Weirdly, we've never actually met in person, but despite that obvious setback she was the first person to come to mind when I was looking for people to work with. She's great.

Kowalskiy:  How would you describe 'your sound'?
Matthew:  Hm. On "It's Dinner Time In Fucking America" (the collab EP with LA MORENA) I tried to make the music more about atmosphere than anything else, so I used a lot of repetition, drones, a wee bit of sub bass and a fuckload of reverb. I was very inspired by Boards of Canada and Burial (isn't every fucker who owns a keyboard, though?) and the like, which I think comes across.  However, in general, Negotiations. doesn't really have a set sound. I'm halfway through recording my first full-length, which is basically a pop album. You can hear early demos of the songs on my soundcloud.

Kowalskiy:  Plug away!!
Matthew:  Obviously I have to plug LA MORENA. She's got some stuff on Bandcamp which is really good. I can't wait to hear what she does next.  I'm very, very excited about the Adam Stafford album which comes out in August. He streamed it online last weekend and it's amazing.  I realised recently I've never ever mentioned Shambles Miller when plugging my friends. That was wrong of me. I caught him live for the first time recently, and as well as being a lovely guy he's absolutely hilarious. Plus his new songs are fucking great.

Kowalskiy:  What can we expect from you in the future?
Matthew:  Well the album, tentatively titled "Musique Noir" (because I like film noir, basically - I really wish I had a cooler reason), should hopefully be done by September. I've been talking to the aforementioned Mr Stafford about releasing it with Wise Blood Industries, which I'm obviously hugely excited about.  Other than that I recently recorded an EP with Andrew Lindsay and Jack from Loch Awe which should be out within the next few months (or as soon as we get time to mix it), and I've almost finished the writing for the second Loch Awe album. We're hoping that'll be out in early 2012, but it depends how long it takes us to save up to record it, really.

A lot to look forward to if you ask me!  Until then, you can get your hands on It's Dinner Time In Fucking America for free.  Here's Baal to whet your appetitie...

If that's not enough, Negotiations. also have some Preliminary Negotiations up for free download, We, the Plural have some too... as do Loch Awe.  Get downloading!

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