Tuesday, 6 March 2012

...Saint Max!

Time now to sit back, and listen to the gospel according to Saint Max of eh... Galloway.  A fortnight ago, young Maximilian released his eponymous debut EP.  A wee, acoustic, gem of an EP at that, and a very impressive way to announce your arrival on the 'scene'.  So I wasted little time in catching up with the good saint and asked him a few questions.  Before we hear what he had to say, here's his EP to have a wee listen too.  Oh and it's FREE!

Kowalskiy:  Who is Saint Max and what is he the patron saint of?
Max:  Saint Max is simply I, or rather, I am he. It's just a silly alias; my real name is long and difficult to communicate from a stage (especially once I've had a few beers). My real name is Max Syed-Tollan, if you were wondering. Though perhaps traditionally speaking I am not much of a Saint, I do feel that music can be a rallying point for whatever you want to say. I have lots to say, so it's a good medium for me. I like the image of a musical prophet actually... I suppose I would be the patron saint of talking for too long, by the way. It's a problem I face on a daily basis. (Although I recently found out that there is a Saint Maximilian in reality : the patron saint of addiction!)

Kowalskiy:  How would you describe your sound?
Max:  Singer-sans-ensemble-rock-n-roll... Strong songwriting, no frills.

Kowalskiy:  PLUG AWAY!!!
Max:  Aha. My new EP is available to listen to and download (I heartily advise both) here on SoundCloud and you can keep up to date on all my happenings, hopes and hangups here on the sacred book of Faces.  Praise be!

Kowalskiy:  What can we expect from Saint Max in the future?
Max:  I hate to prophesize (Oh no I don't! I'm called bloody Saint Max for heaven's sake!) but you can expect to seem me spreading my rather unholy gospel at venues and gigs all over Scotland in the coming year. And, of course, I will continue to write and write and write so check my Soundcloud and I'll usually have new stuff up there. When the revolution comes, I will have been there, at some point. So yeh, look out for that too. Blessed be.

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