Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Kowalskiy Singles Club #18

Time for me to play matchmaker and try to set you up with another handful of hopeless romantics.  If you like the sound of any of them, then click on the artwork and let the good times rock 'n' roll.  Two puns is plenty this time 'round!  Here you go...

The Spook School - Here We Go/Cameraman
Here We Go/Cameraman by The Spook School
"Lonely band of mixed heights seek tolerant individuals for unexpected nudity. Must have been naked at least once before in life. Holding hands is optional and back rubs will be expected. Must have own car or at least a young person's railcard. However, we are prepared to settle for second best." - The Spook School
The Spook School have a new single out!!!  Today in fact.  Happy days!  You can get your download by clicking the artwork, or buy the 7" vinyl over on Cloudberry Records.

Yaya Club - Sometimes/These Eyes Of Mine
Sometimes/These Eyes Of Mine by Yaya Club
"Do you sometimes find yourself reminiscing in front of an open hearth with a teary eye and a fistful of single malt?  And have you ever climbed a hill in the pouring rain, just because the view helps you remember?  Then look no further:  Old-fashioned country gent seeks old-fashioned country lady for long talks and even longer walks.  Must look good in denim dungarees and a straw hat." - Darren Vincent a.k.a. Yaya Club
Can't say I've ever found myself doing any of those.  I do however, look dashing in a pair of dungarees if I don't say so myself.  This is one of those pay-what-you-like efforts from Yaya Club, and a great one at that!   

Lux Lisbon - Get Some Scars
Get Some Scars by Lux Lisbon
"Melancholic, wistful, see-saw swaying melody stuck in the past SEEKS - 4 sad souls joined in emphatic harmony to sing it's uplifting affecting refrain, and dance to it's serious yet elusive groove. MUST BE - big hearted without being loud, simple without being insipid. MUST LIKE - protests against a musical age known for robotic technological banality and pretending that, yes, it's all going to be alright after all. Oh, and the ill-fated middle Lisbon sister from the 1999 Sofia Copolla film 'Virgin Suicides'." - Lux Lisbon
Lux Lisbon aren't strictly Scottish... in fact, they're not Scottish at all.  But when someone emails you saying they were put onto you by their friend scrawling "Kowalskiy" onto a beer mat one night, how could you not have a wee listen?!  Thankfully I did, cos this is great... FREE too!

Arran Arctic - Covers
Covers by Arran Arctic
"Misery guts seeks tortured soul mate to share king-sized double (mustn't hog the covers!). Enjoys wistfully caressing harps and pretending to be Joanna Newsom... and playing with torches in dark rooms. Call me!" - Arran Southall
Arran Arctic is back!  It's been a while ol' chum.  This is Covers, the first single from his new, upcoming album Like Lovers.  Ooh, that rhymes!  He's a clever man that Arran, even if he is a misery guts!

We Are The Physics - Napoleon Loves Josephine
Napoleon Loves Josephine by We Are The Physics
"Four lonely sociopaths seek new host for parasitic lifestyle. Must be willing to alter name, appearance and gender as required. Good sense of humour unnecessary. Must enjoy long walks on the beach, movies, mutual manipulation and the ability to administer and receive emotional abuse over a period of many years. Bearded, lion-esque light entertainment TV presenters need not apply." - We Are The Physics
My rekindled love affair with We Are The Physics continues.  This is the third single to be taken from the four lonely sociopath's second album Your Friend, The Atom. With any luck, we'll be hearing a bit more from them about that album soon... I've said too much!

How To Swim - It Doesn't Even Have To Be You
It Doesn't Even Have To Be You by How To Swim
"Fun-loving miseryguts WLTM similar, different, or anything for protracted period of co-existence." - Gregor Barclay (How To Swim)
Completing the lonely-hearted half-dozen are another firm favourite of mine, How To Swim.  Short but sweet from our second misery guts of the day.  It's the lead single from new album Niagarama and is yours to download on a name-your-price by clicking the artwork.

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