Wednesday, 12 October 2011

...Atom Falling!

I'd always considered myself a bit of a geek to be honest.  I think you've got to be to even consider making a blog, let alone do physics for a living.  There are some people though, that take geekiness to a whole new level.  Meet Ross Pollok and Chris Mitchell, collectively known as Atom Falling...

Kowalskiy:  Who are Atom Falling?
Atom Falling:  We are an electro pop duo from Glasgow. We pride ourselves on being massive geeks and it shows in our look and sound. We kind of stick out like a sore thumb compared to all the rock /indie bands you usually find in Glasgow's music scene. Unlike a lot of other bands, we don't take ourselves too seriously and try to offer something different to what people are used to seeing in the live sector.

Kowalskiy:  How would you describe 'your sound'?
AF:  Energetic pop that will get you up dancing and having fun. We've got elements of pop, dance, electro and rock all rolled into one. It's about having a good time and not being afraid to look like a tit. Our subject matters within our songs can also be rather random with stalkers, detectives and Pokemon all being topics we've touched upon (don't ask). Our live shows consists of us playing guitar, synth and using backing track made by us on Garageband, it looks amazing obviously...

Kowalskiy:  Plug away!
AF:  Our next gig in Glasgow will be at the Classic Grand on the 5th of November. Nothing else has been confirmed yet about the gig but you can find out more about it (and other news) by liking us on Facebook and new info should be coming soon. Also we have a twitter account if any of you use it.

Kowalskiy:  Don't forget the SoundCloud!  So, what does the future hold for Atom Falling?
AF:  We've been discussing the idea of an EP which hopefully should be happening quite soon. Apart from that we'll just be performing in as many places as possible and trying to get the name out there. Possibly a song about Digimon as well...

What, no Battlestar?  Disappointing!  Anyway, get listening, liking, following etc, and if they float your boat, remember they'll be at the Classic Grand on Bonfire Night.

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