Thursday, 13 September 2012

Battle Of The Bands: Round 5

And I'm back!  Batteries fully recharged and ready to extend my slender lead over Scottish Fiction in Battle Of The Bands.  If you cast your mind back a month, you'll remember I crept into the lead in the series with a whitewash victory thanks in no small part to fellow Glaswegians, and fellow physicists (maybe... who knows!?) We Are The Physics.  Paisley singer-songwriter Michael Cassidy was the unfortunate man on the end of that trouncing!

Thanks to holiday season, Neil from Scottish Fiction has had twice as long as usual to compose himself and plot his revenge.  He's gonna have to dig deep into his Scottish music reserves though to beat the latest recruits of Team Kowalskiy... Cancel The Astronauts.  With pretty much everything they've ever released, including their brilliant debut album Animal Love Match, on SoundCloud, it's no surprise I'm secretly hoping Neil plumps for SoundCloud Tracks as one of his chosen attributes.  Standing in Team Kowalskiy's way are Neil's choice, The State Broadcasters.  Quick, mental calculations... this could be close!

Before we do battle, as always, let's have a quick recap of the rules.  You can read them in full over here.  This round, it's Neil to choose which three attributes we'll be slugging it out with.  For each of the three, the person with the highest value gets one point, with both of us getting a half-point in the event of a draw.  Losers... well they don't deserve a single thing!  Neil's went for SoundCloud Tracks (yassssss!), Years Since Formation and Band Name Scrabble Score

Ding ding, Round 5...

...baws!  At least it wasn't a whitewash this time.  The result of Round 5, by the narrowest of margins, is a victory for... Team Scottish Fiction.   Having taken an early lead thanks to their superior SoundCloud Tracks, my Edinburgh chaps were pipped at the line by The State Broadcasters.  In the end it came down to TWO measly Scrabble Score points... though if you ask me, if they decide to omit the "The" from their official logo, then they have a bare-faced cheek to claim those 6 points...

...yeah, I'm a sore loser!

So once again, it's all square in the series.  Need to get my thinking cap on for who to rope in for Round 6!

I'll quickly gloss over my defeat and get on to plugging the two bands who ran each other close this round.  First up are my Edinburgh boys, Cancel The Astronauts. What with my prolonged holiday and a hectic return to work (excuses, excuses) I've not gotten around to saying how worth the wait their debut album is.  Not yet anyway!  It's out on Monday but you can pre-order Animal Love Match over here where you can also get your free download of Making Dynamite.  Here's my pick of the lovely bunch... Shapes.

Now on to tonight's victors.  The State Broadcasters also have a pretty impressive album, Ghosts We Must Carry, set for release on Monday.  Ahead of it's release via Olive Grove Records, you can also pre-order it here, and get your hands on their single Kittiwake from here... and below for that matter. 

So, it's neck-and-neck again in the series.  Neil's ass is mine in Round 6 though!

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