Friday, 15 June 2012

Dirty Keys - The End And The Exit

First, let me just qualify this post by saying it's not strictly a review.  My reviews take time, months sometimes.  I know, to read them you'd think... "really!?".  Anyway, this is me simply saying that as of this morning, the debut album from one of my favourite Glasgow bands, Dirty Keys is now out.   Demos from The End And The Exit started appearing online a while back prompting me to go a bit mad with the tweets and SoundCloud favouriting.  All well worth it though.

Here's a couple of the the many highlights on the album, starting off with my my own personal favourite The Exit.

How can those tinkling ivories not tickle your fancy?  It's difficult not to think of Dave Gillies, the piano-pop maestro behind Dirty Keys, as a Scottish Ben Folds.  That's high praise in my book.  Here's one last one before I get back to some proper work.  

You can download The End And The Exit now over on Dirty Keys' Bandcamp page.  Off you go!

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