Sunday, 4 March 2012

Coastal Skid Spy Wok v1.0

Here at Kowalskiy, we don't do podcasts.  But we do love SoundCloud.   I say "we" like there's some sort of office full of musical geeks trawling the net for the best up-and-coming Scottish bands.  There's not.  It's just me, on my lonesome.  Anyhoo, this is my first not-podcast.  A 'notcast' is you like, which will mainly consist of me sharing with you some of my favourite tracks, maybe even some free ones, currently doing the SoundCloud rounds with some textual babble in between.  After all, you don't want to hear my dulcet, Glaswegian tones cutting off the bands mid-song... 

First up we have a band I owe an apology... The Machine Room.  Over a month now I've had their words-cannot-describe-how-brilliant-it-really-is Love From A Distance EP to review.  It's out tomorrow (available here), yet my review is still... not!  Soon though, soon.  Until then, here's the opener Cost Of Progress to kick us off.

If you don't like that, please leave now!  Still here?  Good, let's move onto something every bit as brilliant.  Staying the other side of the M8, here's Edinburgh Uni medical student (and all-round impressive guy) Fran O'Hanlon and his exquisite alter-ego Ajimal.  His debut single Footnote To Love [Part One] is out on March 19th but you can pre-order it here!

Now that's as polished a track as you're likely to hear all year!  This next one, not so much.  But I love it all the same.  The man we have to thank, Mr. Jamie Orr a.k.a. Descant Hawk, is in an as-of-yet-unnamed band.  Going on these "ideas" he's sharing with us, he should get his finger out and get this band recording, because most of these "ideas" are a wee bit special already!

I could keep this up for aggggges.  There's loads of tracks I've come across on SoundCloud that have tickled my fancy in recent weeks.  But I'll go for three more.  I reckon any more would be pushing it.  OK, so next up we have something for all you '80s kids out there.  This (again!) Edinburgh band are a bunch of 'mavericks' if truth be told...

We all got big cheesy grins now?  The thought of spanking Tom is something I'm sure we've all thought of at one time or another so it was about time someone just came out and said it.  Thank goodness for Toy Machine.  Let me just reiterate what the guys said, if anyone knows Tom, just pass that on eh?!  They're busy putting together their follow-up to their Council Flat Sessions EP available here for free.

This next one is still a wee bit of a mystery to me.  I've featured Salute Mary a few times on ye ol' blog.  Well, they'd gone a wee bit quiet as of late until this cracker appeared online.  Is it some long-awaited new material?  Is 'The Fourth Wall' some kind of side-project?  No idea!  What I do know though, is that it's a great, slow-burning, brooding beast of a tune.  Feast your ears!

I did say six, didn't I?  So time I got to the last one.  I may do another of these.  I've rather enjoyed it even if it's just a copy-and-paste job with very little originality.  In fact, that's pretty much why I like it.  Gotta love minimal effort!  Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed these six tracks.  Be sure to check out the half-dozen bands and mind to click the download arrows!  One or two of these are FREE!  Right, last one from The Son(s).  I'll let all those comments, and the song itself, do the talking!


  1. thanks for collecting these tracks. Lots of diversity. Greetings from the Netherlands

  2. Hey :) thanks for having a listen and for spreading the word on twitter. Hope all's well over in the Netherlands

    David x
