Monday, 7 December 2009

Let's not forget...

Only the top 2 to go now. Before that, here's a few others albums which I've thought were rather pretty this year. First up is the amazing Sparrow And The Workshop! Be sure to check out their free gig at The Mill Glasgow later on this month!

Next we have The Xcerts. "Nightschool" is one of the best songs I've heard all year.... as I told Mr. Toad! To be honest I completely forgot about Colin MacIntyre when I was making up my Top 20! Apologies Colin!

And last but not least there's the latest from French indie-poppers Phoenix!

Sparrow And The Workshop - Sleight Of Hand/Into The Wild

Last Chance

The Xcerts - In the Cold Wind We Smile


Colin MacIntyre - Island

The Edge Of Nearly

Phoenix - Wolfgamg Amadeus Phoenix


Only £5 in Fopp!


  1. Island is a good album, but for me got lost in the shuffle, since it came out around the same time as a bunch of other stuff.
    Both the Sparrow & The Workshop releases were brilliant, but I'm inclined to count them as EPs rather than albums, which means they are left off my list.

  2. Yeah same for me! But I reckon 2 EPs = 1 album.

    As for Phoenix, listening to it again its probably up there with the albums in my 15 to 20.
