Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Top 10 of 2009: #1 - Sunset Rubdown


Sunset Rubdown - Dragonslayer

Apollo And The Buffalo And Anna Anna Anna Oh

You Go On Ahead

Quite simply put, this is the best album I've heard all year, so not surprising really that it's made my top spot. "Dragonslayer" is the third full release from Sunset Rubdown, the brainchild of Spencer Krug (Wolf Parade, Swan Lake..... the list goes on!). Having bought the first two albums "Shut Up I Am Dreaming" and "Random Spirit Lover" purely on the back of the immense Wolf Parade debut "Apologies To The Queen Mary" (incidentally my #1 album of the decade! Perhaps featuring in a future post...) I wasn't completely blown away. So when "Dragonslayer" was released and my OCD tendencies forced me to maintain my Sunset Rubdown collection, I wasn't expecting what I heard - 8 of the best, most memorable songs I've listened to all year!

I was thinking long and hard how to justify choosing my favourite album of the year and in the end I came up with a few things:

  1. My iTunes playcount - It's obscene how much I've played this album and that's just on my laptop. There's at least double that on my Zen!
  2. The CD is not in the best of condition anymore either!
  3. It still pains me greatly that I was out of the country when they toured! Damn PhD!
  4. You won't find a better song title than "Apollo And The Buffalo And Anna Anna Anna Oh"!
  5. ...and lastly, it's been little under 6 months since I bought it and so far there's no sign of it losing it's appeal.
Third time lucky Mr. Krug... and them some!

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