Friday, 5 March 2010

Free Fanfarlo US College Radio EP

Don't mean to tread on Peenko's Friday Freebies toes here but it seems a bit of a shame to have to wait another week to get your grubby mitts on this one! Anyone already signed up to the amazing Fanfarlo's mailing list will have just noticed that they are giving away a free 3 track live EP recorded at various college radio stations in the U. S. of A during their recent stint across the pond.

All three tracks appeared on last years "Reservoir" album (Kowalskiy Top 5 album no less!). Just sign up HERE!

1. I'm A Pilot
2. Finish Line
3. The Walls Are Coming Down


  1. good shout that man, hope you don't mind if I pinch it for next week (credit will be given)

  2. Don't mind at all! :)

    Remember the free album on too
    Tis strangely addictive!

  3. ....and Findlay Napier's free single if it floats your boat!

    I'm all out now.
