Sunday, 21 March 2010

Haftor Medbøe Group - A Box Of Monkeys

I've had this on my "To Do" list for over 2 months now. After I featured Edinburgh-based Haftor Medbøe Group towards the end of last year, Haftor himself very kindly sent me a copy of recent release "A Box Of Monkeys" as a late Christmas present. So here is my very very late attempt at plugging it.

Now, its fair to say 'experimental jazz' is not gonna be everyone's cup of tea. I really liked the Notwist-y sound of "As Time Spins Backwards" but I wasn't entirely sure how much I'd like an album worth of songs!

Having had listen to it (a few times now given I've been sitting on this review for 2 months! Apologies Haftor) I'm pretty sure now..... I likes it! In particular, the startlingly beautiful Bjork-esque "Leaving Nothing As We Leave". If you fancy something a wee bit different then check them out!

Leaving Nothing As We Leave

Some rave reviews from those in the know:

"unmissable transcendent epic new jazz" - The Skinny
"vivid musical soundscapes" - The List
"a dazzling venture into contemporary jazz" -

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