Monday, 12 July 2010

...The Son(s)

I first became aware of The Son(s), like an increasing amount of bands these days, through Peenko's Friday Freebies. I downloaded their three-track "Radar EP" a while ago, listened to it, liked it, then in true Kowalskiy fashion, I was sidetracked. Now that normal service has resumed, just who are these guys?

Who better to ask than an unnamed acquaintance of theirs...

"The Son(s) were three men, in a band, in Edinburgh, and I knew them then.
One Son went to London and made his fortune in the movies.
Another Son went to Oxford and lives in a small commune there.
The last Son eventually went back to the North East of Scotland and wrote and recorded these songs.

So, the movie maker plays drums and the commune-ist the bass, but neither plays on or writes these songs. But you know, life is long, and one day the movie business will dry up and the commune will disperse, although not - I'd guess - soon. Still, I'm told there will be some new Son(s) songs released later this year, for download, on CD, perhaps even on vinyl."

Until then, you can get your hands on their "Radar EP" over on their bandcamp. Three songs, three good ones at that, for absolutely no pennies at all. Here's the pick of the bunch, "Dogs, Boys and Men". It's a cracking track. If you ask me, it's a lot like a Scottish indie TV On The Radio, what with its messy-in-a-good-way vocal harmonies, a lot of wooing (be it electric guitars or vocals), but with the great addition of some acoustic guitars. It's hard not to like. Get it downloaded!

<a href="">Dogs, Boys & Men by The Son(s)</a>


  1. that's quite freaky I was just listening to the Son(s) and I came onto blogger and lo and behold you had a post about them. I think a Scottish TV on the Radio is pretty much spot on

  2. Spooky!

    I think Scotland could do with their own TVotR :)
