Thursday, 19 August 2010

The Ray Summers - BBC Campervan Session at TITP 2010

Thought I'd posted this a while ago! Anyway here's another of my Ten for 2010 at T in the Park.... The Ray Summers. They performed three tracks in the BBC Campervan, two we'd expect to hear on their upcoming debut, and one cheeky cover.

Download: The Ray Summers - BBC Campervan session at TITP 2010

1. Beautiful Nightmare (Beyonce cover)
2. Oh No
3. The Rush

The Ray Summers just released their great new single "Heshka Rashka" at the beginning of August and have a few gigs coming up...

Upcoming Gigs
4th Sept - The Attic, Bathgate
11th Sept - McQ's, Stirling
16th Sept - Oran Mor, Glasgow
25th Sept - Grangemouth Stadium, Falkirk*
22nd Oct - Dexters, Dundee

* gig for Cancer Research - Race For Life

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