Thursday 30 September 2010

...Weather Barn!

Say hello to East Coast purveyors of catchy, countrified Shins-esque indie, Weather Barn. Their debut single Park Hands was released earlier this month on Kittiwake Records and is an absolute cracker! Here's bassist Steve Morris to fill you in on a few of the details...

Kowalskiy: Who are Weather Barn?
Steve: Weather Barn is myself on bass, my brother Matt on guitar and lead vox, Daryl Rankin on guitar and Iain Dallas on drums. We're an indie rock band from Aberdeen, Scotland. Each of us have been in bands before, but Weather Barn is a totally new project, so it's a pretty exciting time for all of us.

Kowalskiy: You have just released debut single Park Hands. What can we expect from it?
Steve: That song has a little bit of everything in it! When Matt first wrote and demo'd it, it sounded really country! But after we jammed it and fleshed it out with the band, it really became an indie-pop tune. Matt's lyrics to Park Hands are full of humour and frustration so it's a good track to get everyone riled up. We recorded it with Stuart Macleod, who has previously worked with artists such as Amy Macdonald and The Dykeenies, in Glasgow.

<a href="">Park Hands by Weather Barn</a>

Kowalskiy: And what can we expect from the band in the future?
Steve: Touring as much as possible, for the rest of time! We've spent a lot of time getting the new band ready and rehearsing non stop, so it'll be good to play to people around the country. We will be recording for another single sometime soon, but for now we are just looking forward to hitting the road. Its easy to get carried away making plans for the years ahead, but at the moment it feels more fun to just take it as it comes! There are so many cracking bands in Scotland at the moment. We want to play shows with them all!

On the back of Park Hands, I'm sure there'll be bands queuing up to play with Weather Barn too! Park Hands can be bought from the band's bandcamp page as a 3-track CD or 2-track download. I like it. I like it a lot!

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