Monday, 8 November 2010

...Rose Parade!

Meet Ari, Paul and Ed, or as they are collectively known, Rose Parade.  Hailing from Ayr, but now based in Glasgow, this folky threesome are starting to turn some heads, mine included.  With their recent single Grace picking up airplay, an EP due out in the near future and more and more tracks cropping up online, what better time to get to know them a wee bit better.  So....

Kowalskiy:  Who are Rose Parade?
Ari:  We are a 3 piece folk/indie band originaly form Ayr but based in Glasgow. We formed in 2009 and started jamming together and experimenting with different insruments and ideas.

Kowalskiy:  How would you describe 'your sound'?
Ari:  Our sound has recently been described as "country tinged indie" by Jim Gellatly and by other media as "whimsical pop". To be honest I dont really know what kind of music we play, we all have different influences and we tend to experiment with different instruments (glockenspiel, banjo, ukes, samples and guitars). I would say the EP we just recorded is heavily folk influenced but at the same time I dont think it would fit comfortably in the folk genre. Some people have mentioned that our sounds is quite summery..who knows, we just want to make real, honest music and not focus on what we want it to sound like, thats why our songs are all different.

Kowalskiy:  What can we expect from you in the future?
Ari:  We've got quite a lot of gigs lined up including a gig at Pivo Pivo supporting The Boy Who Trapped The Sun on the 11th of December which will be hosted by Vic Galloway. We have just finished our EP Grace which contains 3 tracks and its a concept EP!  The EP is out on the 6th of December 2010 and it will also be available online on all major music networks iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and many more. We have already started recording our second EP which will be out next summer and we will be organizing a UK tour.  So yeh, we got quite a lot on our plate, we love what we do and its nice to see that some folk are interested in our sound.

   Grace by Rose Parade

Upcoming Gigs
11th Dec - Pivo Pivo, Glasgow

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