Thursday, 9 December 2010

2010's Top 10 Albums: #9 - Steve Mason

In at number 9 on the Kowalskiy Top 10 of 2010 countdown is Steve Mason with his brilliant album Boys Outside.  And here's two tracks from the former Beta Band frontman's album to help you understand why...

Boys Outside
Am I Just A Man

This year, Steve has been tirelessly up and down the country plugging the album on every radio station known to man.  You can get your hands on a few of these from here, or from the good ship Peenko here.  If that's not enough, Domino Records are giving away acoustic versions of All Come Down and the standout, title track Boys Outside which Steve performed at the album launch in London earlier this year.  All you gotta do, is sign up to his mailing list here.

As for any upcoming gigs this year... you've had it!  Least you don't have long to wait 'til next year.