Thursday, 9 June 2011

Kowalskiy Singles Club #4

You know the score by now, it's time for me to play matchmaker once again with all the 'singles' out there.  Before we see how our singles got on last time round, lets have a look at the new batch of hopefuls.  If any of them hit the right notes with you, then click on the cover art and get better acquainted.  Happy downloading...

Homework - Talk Down
Talk Down by Homework
"Up-beat musicians seek willing, cynical listeners.
Cynical listeners, seek willing up-beat musicians? 
Beat seeks willing listeners up cynical musicians?!?
Willing listener seeks musicians – up-beat cynical.
Cynical musicians seek up-beat willing listeners. - Oliver Kass (Homework)
The single is out today.  If you're a willing cynic then this will be right up your street.  In fact, even if you're not it probably will be too.  It's only £1 and comes with remixes from Dunt and The Japanese War Effort.

The Last September - Precious Time
Precious Time by The Last September
"Bouncy, bouncy, ooh such a good time. Jangly ditty about having too much coffee and getting in a spin seeks like-minded listener to whizz around with in the sun" - Pete Deane (The Last September)
Well, well!  This single promises a lot, and I do love coffee!  Thankfully it delivers too.  If that's not enough to wet your whistle, then the single is absolutely FREE!

Salute Mary - Pacifying Hungry Ghosts/Rubella Rubata
Pacifying Hungry Ghosts/Rubella Rubata by Salute Mary
"Salute Mary are: torque, drone, brutalist architecture, pyrotechnics and volume.
Seek: rain-soaked, wind-lashed individuals with WD40 and high stress tolerance."
- Calum Haggerty (Salute Mary)
I like this!  Hopefully you will too.  Get downloading people... It's FREE!  WD40 is optional.

Miaoux Miaoux - Hey Sound!
Hey Sound! by Miaoux Miaoux
"Racy tropical loop with joyous hook seeks technicolour diamond girl to reminisce about the golden age of trance. Must enjoy dancing and have access to a yacht. BYOB." - Julian Corrie (Miaoux Miaoux)
Do you have access to a yacht?  Don't think bringing you own booze is a wee bit stingey?  Then get clicking on the cover art and relive the golden age of trance with Mr. Corrie.

Letters - Flashlights
Flash! Lights by Letters
"5 piece Edinburgh cello pop noiseniks seek Venders who deal in wooden commodities. Procurement of said items (preferably a Cajon) will be used solely for the purpose of smashing against the SEPTUM of every beard scratching, group chugging, back hand highfive slapping, band swapping SPLASH that keeps trying to nick our cellist for the production of contrived folk music" - Mikey Ferguson (Letters)
Ooft, why don't you just say what's on your mind Mikey!  Anyway, this is my new favourite band's second single!  And it's a belter.  It won't be out until 4th July so you've got a wee bit of a wait.  When it's out though, just download it.  It's as simple as that.

Last time I paired up Grant (21) from Musselburgh and Galleries from Glasgow. Here's what Grant had to say about their single Darkness Coming:

"It's a great, perfectly formed and very easy on the ear single.  We've hit it off BIG TIME.  Hopefully it won't be too long before I hear from them again."

Now I know the pride Cilla must've felt!  Anyway, if you've hooked up with any of these singles, or ones from past features, let me know how you're getting on.

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