Monday, 19 April 2010

Peenko's Friday Freebies feat. Kowalskiy! March Roundup

Anyone aware of Peenko and his Friday Freebies, may know that recently he kindly offered me a wee weekly slot. My 'Komplimentary Korner' has been going for a while now so here's a recap of its first month!

Week #1 - Yusuf Azak has two EPs: "Gazelle" and "Light Procession" up on his website for you to download free of charge obviously.

Week #2 - Fanfarlo offered their 3-track US Radio Sessions EP up for download in exchange for your email address.

Week #3 - Former Odeon Beatclub frontman Paul Tierney is now Lonely Tourist down in Bristol. He's offering you 3 free mp3s if you send him a nice email.

Week #4 - A double helping this week with Ohbijou's 8-track Third Floor Session and a live mp3 from Conquering Animal Sound up for grabs.

The first two were strictly before I was officially offered the gig but they are worth repeating anyway. How Peenko manages to get half a dozen (and sometimes more) freebies each week is beyond me. The man is a machine!!

Yes, the acronymisation is unfortunate! Suggestions are welcomed.

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