Sunday, 23 May 2010


Meet 23 year old south-Londoner Dan Moss*, a.k.a. dems, a self-described "new Edinburgh-based-but-not-really-Scottish-one-man outfit". Armed with his trusty MacBook Pro and oversized Roland GrooveBox he's recorded his first track "Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce" and has very kindly put it up on his bandcamp site for free download.

It's a delightfully dreamy slice of lo-fi eletropop which will no doubt draw a lot of comparisons to The Postal Service. Its a stunning little track and if its a taste of what's to come, then I can't wait!

<a href="">Jarndyce vs Jarndyce by dems</a>

For anyone, like me, not into their Dickens, here's what Dan has to say about the track:

"Jarndyce vs Jarndyce is actually a legal case in Charles Dickens' Bleak House. It goes on forever in the story and ruins the lives of everyone involved. The refrain in the track "It's ruined better men than you" is a saying that's coincidentally repeated throughout the book."

Well worth a download folks and keep your eye out for more to come in the future. Watch this space....

* that may well be his hand

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