Friday, 13 August 2010

too many fireworks and the 2mfcast!

Next month sees the relaunch of the independent record label too many fireworks. The Glasgow-founded label has upped sticks and move to Warsaw along with founder Neil Milton (Beneath Us, the Waves). The relaunch will see the entire back catalogue (including Flying Matchstick Men, Laeto, Titus Gein, Errors, Findo Gask....) re-released as digital downloads. As well as that, we're also promised new releases in the form of The Kays Lavelle frontman Euan McMeeken's EP and music written by Neil for the We Sink Ships: Elements exhibition.

To mark the return, the label are giving away an 8-track sampler of what you can expect from them. It can be downloaded by signing up to their mailing list here. Here's a sampler of said sampler:

Elegy for Tramway - beneath us, the waves by toomanyfireworks

Also, as the photo and the post heading suggest, Neil has also started the 2mfcast on Radio Magnetic. The podcast, in his own words, "is a semi-regular stab at creating a decent music show playing the best in modern classical, ambient, electronic and post-rock music. It features DJ sets, interviews and other chat as well as the odd surprise thrown in". You can listen to 2mfcast #1 here for some background on the record label, and subscribe to the podcast over here on iTunes.

I'm off for a wee listen now!

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