Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Ross Clark - Found In Sound Session (31/10/10)

Anyone lucky enough to have tuned into Edinburgh's student radio station Fresh Air on Sunday morning from 11am until noon, will have heard the first edition of the new Scottish music show Found In Sound hosted by Brian Pokora and his better half Charlotte Pike.  Here's the remit straight from the horses mouth... "We're mainly doing new Scottish music but will incorporate a gig guide  element and include any touring bands we recommend seeing in the coming  week".   And who better to keep you up to date with all the new, exciting Scottish bands than Mr. Pokora.  He should know.  He's in one... Edinburgh's Trapped Mice.  Does that name sound familiar?  As well as that, there'll be great sessions from some of the best up-and-coming Scottish bands around, with Over The Wall already pencilled in for later this month.

Before that though, Edinburgh student radio's answer to Richard & Judy, were joined on their first outing by the wonderful Ross Clark for an acoustic session of Three Blind Wolves tracks, an oldie and a brand spanking new one too.  Here's links to the mp3s courtesy of Brian & Charlotte. Enjoy!


Here's that link again to the Found In Sound blog to add to your bookmarks, and remember, 11am-noon on Sundays!

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