Monday, 7 March 2011

K&A with The Son(s)

Time to hear from one of the eleven acts I tipped at the start of 2011.  Back in January, I put some probing questions to the mysterious, but quite brilliant, The Son(s).  With the eponymous debut album out today on Olive Grove Records, and with everyone hyping it up, it's probably about time that this K&A saw the light of day.  Here goes...

Kowalskiy:  Who are The Son(s), and what's the story behind the name?
The Son(s):  The name, well the plural is nominally optional, or at least not guaranteed. Sometimes one Son sometimes more Son. The names not a great one but it's a lot worse without the brackets.

Kowalskiy:  How would you describe 'your sound', and what influences it?
The Son(s):  I would say: Son(s) music fills your clothes with clear & clean renewing freshness. From the relaxing fragrance of a summers day, to the revitalising freshness of spring flowers, there are Son(s) sounds for every mood.  Influences, well it's surely easier for anyone but us to list those. We were good naturedly compared to Seal not long ago...

Kowalskiy:  You started coming to everyone's attention last year with the self-release of your Radar EP. What's your reaction to how well it was received?
The Son(s):  We expected most people to ignore it, some to dislike it. We didn't expect very many people to like it, let alone write anything about it. So we're delighted, still delighted.

Kowalskiy:  How would you sum up 2010 for The Son(s)?
The Son(s):  For The Son(s), it was a very good year, it was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights and one of those years for me personally. High ups and low downs.

Kowalskiy:  You decided not to go down the MySpace route of getting your music heard, and are something of a word-of-mouth success story. What was the thinking behind that?
The Son(s):  There was no thinking behind that. We put some music up on SoundCloud for largely sentimental reasons sometime early 2010. Within a few days of putting it up we had got such a positive reaction everything started rolling to here from there. We do have a MySpace but have never really understood it, and it just points back to SoundCloud.

Kowalskiy:  What's the story on the gig front? Anything lined up already for 2011?
The Son(s):  Nothing lined up. Yet.

Kowalskiy:  What would your ideal gig be?
The Son(s):  Jesus. I have no idea how to answer this question. Were the 70's any good? Take us back to 70's LA and get us some Nudie suits.

Kowalskiy:  The 17th January saw your debut single Radar released on Eli and Oz Records. How would you describe it?  (Like I said, these questions were asked quite some time ago!)
The Son(s):  The song has a pinch of spook in it, it's a waltz of a kind. It has a lovely video with three beautiful women and an Oleander tree in it.

Kowalskiy:  At last count, you have already been included in 3 'Ones To Watch in 2011' lists, The Lists, Peenko's and mine.  Have I missed any out??  What can we all expect from The Son(s) in 2011?
The Son(s):  Radar Scotsman's, Vic Galloway had us in at 49 in his list of 50. We were in quite a few. Good intit!?  2011 eh?  Well we will have an album out in March (Today!  That's it on the right). We'd love to do something for record store day in April, if we can find someone to do it with. We're hoping to have a video ready for another song soon. We'll see what happens with the album and take it from there.... Write some more songs, put them up on SoundCloud....

Kowalskiy:  Not forgetting having a track on one of my free EPs!  Lastly, you're a pretty mysterious bunch still. Tell us something about you that no one else knows.
The Son(s):  I don't think there's anything that no one else knows, once you get to know us we're an open book.

Kowalskiy:  OK, one last one since I'm a curious chap.  Who's the guy on all your promo photos and all your cover art?
The Son(s):  It's me of course! 

Better late than never eh?!   The album can be bought over here and it is every bit as good as it's been hyped to be.  It really is a fantastic, cult-album-in-the-making.  We could well be looking at the BAMS Album of 2011...

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