Kowalskiy: Who are Indian Red Lopez, or is it IndianRedLopez? Care to put the record straight?
I|R|L: Yeah, it's IndianRedLopez. Its just us, playing, creating, gigging and essentially developing. We've tried really hard to create a recognisable identity as a band, where people associate us with something different and unexpected. I'd like to think people have an anticipation of something thats going to grab their attention, in one form or another when they come to see us.Kowalskiy: How did the band get together, and what's the idea behind the band name? Simply Red meets J'Lo, yeah?
I|R|L: Obviously yeah, Mick Hucknall has had a big influence on all of our lives, and Jennifer's lyrics and live show are so captivating... haha! No, the name kind of crept up on us a few years ago and we played about with it for a while with the band line up being a bit errr fluid for a period of time. But once we had a settled line-up and a definite idea of the direction of the band, both sonically, and visually, it just seemed to fit. I don't think we wanted a name that eluded to any particular 'genre' so I guess the ambiguity kind of suits us.Kowalskiy: What/who/where are you main influences?
I|R|L: We've all got individual influences within the band without really all loving the same things. I think musically, Radiohead is a pretty common thread between us all, but inspiration can come from anywhere which is something we all appreciate and encourage within the band.Kowalskiy: Your debut album Empty Your Lungs and Breathe is out on the 6th June (though available to pre-order now with immediate digital download!). What can existing and soon-to-be fans expect from it?

Kowalskiy: The album contains three tracks from your 2009 Castles Incomplete EP. You've been keeping us waiting! Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong, but you've reworked those three tracks from the album. Do you feel your sound has changed slightly, or is it a case of keeping it fresh for your existing fans? Or secret option C?
I|R|L: Secret Option C....Kowalskiy: What's the plans to tour the album?
I|R|L: Well, the idea behind it was to release the album in June and hopefully let it permeate a bit before touring it in July. Our Scott is getting married during release time, so we've let him off to go and do that. They will predominantly be Scottish dates in the first week in July, with a few individual shows scattered over the next few months. We've also got some European shows lined up for September, and with our day jobs, it can be tough to get a long string of dates together to properly tour so expect us to pop up for the odd show here and there. We will physically try and tour as much as we possibly can!Kowalskiy: What would be your ideal gig?
I|R|L: Opening for a double headline Prince/Radiohead show. In Berlin. With a massive rider full of Feta and Avocado salad and 48 bottles of Moray Cup.Kowalskiy: You played Home Game recently. Was it as disappointing, uneventful and uninspiring as I imagine? Be warned, shatter that sanity-preserving illusion at your peril guys!
I|R|L: Fucking terrible, we really hate being in an environment like that.... talented musicians everywhere and crowds of really appreciative people coming to see your show and being really nice to you. Plus having to queue up for tasty, glorious fish suppers and stand in the sunshine munching them down while Johnny from Pictish Trail wanders past with his guitar and FOUND take ages in the queue in front of you at the cash machine. Its just awful, bloody awful ;)Kowalskiy: I suppose it's just something you have to grin and bear... So, what else does 2011 hold in store for IndianRedLopez?
I|R|L: Gigs. Gigs. New Songs. Recording said new Songs. HOPEFULLY re-press of the album! More gigs and hopefully, a few festival appearances.Kowalskiy: Lastly, the question on everyone's lips.... Hugh Laurie's album? "Unexpected musical genius", or "I can never watch House ever again!"?
I|R|L: Haha, I have managed to avoid it by and large. I did flick on to Jools out of curiosity when he was on a few weeks back and wasn't all that impressed to be honest, but I didn't let it ruin my appreciation of his acting ability. I think if you treat it like sketch from a Bit of Fry and Laurie then we should all be ok...Sound advice there from IndianRedLopez. If you ask me, you'd be better off getting a hold of Empty Your Lungs and Breathe from over here. It's a belter! Already this year they've been crowned the winners of 'Best Electronic Act' at the 2011 Scottish Alternative Music Awards. If you ask me, they were probably in the wrong category, but it goes to show these guys are well and truly, a force to be reckoned with. Expect this album to win them some more accolades come December.
Upcoming Gigs
9th-10th June - GoNorth Festival, Inverness
30th - Newmarket Bar, Thurso
1st - Hootenanny's, Inverness
2nd - Nice N' Sleazy, Glasgow
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